You can use the highlight-option to remove the success class.


On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 4:16 AM, xxkylexx <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey guys,
> I am using JQuery Validation Plugin and am getting a bug that I can't
> seem to figure out.
> When the user inputs a correct input, it shows my success class, but
> if you create an error after the success class has been triggered, the
> success class stays there with the error message as well.
> For example, view my registration form here: 
> For username, enter a name 3 characters or more (triggers success
> class)
> Then, for username, erase it, or enter a username less than 3
> characters (triggers error)
> My success/valid check icon stays there with the newly triggered error
> message. The error icon should be showing up, as is done if you create
> an initial error.
> You can do the same kind of things with the other fields and it does
> the same. You can also view my source on the page to see how I am
> implementing it.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Kyle

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