My issue is that I want to allow users to hide and show expanded data.
Yet for some reason, when I implement this in jQuery, the expanded
rows always seem to stay in a single column, instead of returning back
to the full table width. I can get it to work in prototype, but jquery

Anyone else have problems with show()?

This is my example:


                <script type="text/javascript">

                function jqueryclick( node ) {
                        var sibling = jQuery( node ).next('tr');

                        // $( node ).next('.expanded').toggle();

                function prototypeclick( node ) {
                        $( node ).next('.expanded').toggle();


<table border=1>

                        <th>Test 2</th>
                        <th>Test 3 3</th>

        <tbody id="tablebody">

        <tr onclick="jqueryclick(this)">
                <td>hey jude!</td>
                <td>I want</td>
        <tr class="expanded">
                <td>ice cream</td>

        <tr onclick="prototypeclick(this)">
        <tr class="expanded">




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