Hey guys.

I've poured over the docs, and mouseover/hover/etc only trigger once.
I want it to continue to trigger a function while the element is

I've tried:

$('#element').hover(function() {
  while(true) {
}, function() {});

Unfortunately, this screws things up.  The while loop hangs the
browser for a while before it finally throws the "this script has been
running too long" message.

I've tried looking at some of the scrolling plugins to see how they do
it but the only one I can find that seems to have this functionality
(do something while hovering over an element, in this case, continue
scrolling) has no documentation, and the examples do not explain how
to use the plugin, they merely show it working.  What little bit of
text is on the page is non-english and from the looks of it is little
more than headers anyway, so useless even if I translated it.

So, how should I go about continuing to trigger someFunc while I'm
hovered over a particular item on the page?

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