Thanks for the answer.  Unfortunately it doesn't seem to want to play
well with the plugin and I didn't want to have to do significant

The plugin I'm using is jquery.scrollable.js.

Anyone know of a nice scrolling plugin that already has built in to it
the ability to continue scrolling when hovering over the "next" nav
item?  All the scrolling plugins I find use either timers or clicks.
I haven't dug into all their code yet; I don't mind doing minor
changes to the plugin.  The keyword here being: Minor. (couple of

On Aug 29, 5:32 pm, micah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> one way to approach what you're trying to do is with a simple
> setInterval (
> Window.setInterval), so that the parser has a bit of breathing room
> between calls to someFunc.
> if you just loop through, you're essentially saying "call someFunc as
> many times as you can, as fast as you can possibly call it", which
> isn't really cpu-friendly ;)
> try this instead:
> var int = null;
> $('#element').hover(function() {
>   int = setInterval(someFunc, 100);}, function() {
>   clearInterval(int);
> });
> -micah
> On Aug 29, 2:00 pm, Leanan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hey guys.
> > I've poured over the docs, and mouseover/hover/etc only trigger once.
> > I want it to continue to trigger a function while the element is
> > hovered.
> > I've tried:
> > $('#element').hover(function() {
> >   while(true) {
> >     someFunc;
> >   }
> > }, function() {});
> > Unfortunately, this screws things up.  The while loop hangs the
> > browser for a while before it finally throws the "this script has been
> > running too long" message.
> > I've tried looking at some of the scrolling plugins to see how they do
> > it but the only one I can find that seems to have this functionality
> > (do something while hovering over an element, in this case, continue
> > scrolling) has no documentation, and the examples do not explain how
> > to use the plugin, they merely show it working.  What little bit of
> > text is on the page is non-english and from the looks of it is little
> > more than headers anyway, so useless even if I translated it.
> > So, how should I go about continuing to trigger someFunc while I'm
> > hovered over a particular item on the page?

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