I've got this test page built using jquery flot to render a graph as
price/quantity pairs are input

I'm using the following jquery:


                                $('#curveData input').change(function() {
                                        var d1 = [];
                                        $('#curveData tbody 
tr').each(function() {
                                                tr = $(this);
                                                pair = [];
                                                tr.find('input.qty').val() && 
tr.find('input.price').val() &&
pair.push( tr.find('input.qty').val(), tr.find('input.price').val() )
&& d1.push( pair );

                                        $.plot($("#graphHolder"), [
                                                        color: "#bb0000",
                                                        data: d1,
                                                        points: { show: true },
                                                        lines: { show: true, 
fill: true, fillColor: "rgba(255, 000,
000, 0.2)" }


Does anyone know if it's possible to limit the x and y axis tickmarks
to integers?

And how do I make the x and y axis always start from 0, regardless of
where the first data point is?


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