> > Matt Kruse wrote:
> >
> > This appears to be a bad assumption in the jQuery tests.
> >
> > The code in param() calls:
> >     for ( var j in a )
> > and makes the assumption that the keys will be returned in the same 
> > order they are specified. This is not an assumption that should be 
> > made, so the test should be changed to allow for the 
> > returned string to be in arbitrary key order.

> From: Guy Fraser
> I've never seen an ECMA script compiler (JS, AS, etc) that 
> doesn't iterate through named references in the expected order?

But there is no "expected order" in a for..in loop. Any decent JavaScript
reference book, such as Flanagan's, should point this out.

Of course, you could make the same argument that I made for the text node
issue, that too much code depends on this and they have to fix it. But I
think given their architecture for property lookups, it may not be possible.
And I would hope that not too much code does depend on it anyway.


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