That sounds suspiciously like what Safari does in some cases:

On Sep 2, 2:49 pm, Matt Kruse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sep 2, 2:45 pm, Guyon  Morée <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Even though, Chrome seems to be a little bit faster than FF and quite
> > a lot faster than IE, it has 2 failed tests:
> > - 64: core module: text(String) (1, 3, 4)
> This looks like a bug in Chrome to me. It doesn't escape > characters
> when inserting text nodes. I would have to check the specs to be sure
> that escaping of > is required.
> > - 112: ajax module: jQuery.param() (1, 3, 4)
> This appears to be a bad assumption in the jQuery tests.
> The code in param() calls:
>     for ( var j in a )
> and makes the assumption that the keys will be returned in the same
> order they are specified. This is not an assumption that should be
> made, so the test should be changed to allow for the returned string
> to be in arbitrary key order.
> Otherwise it's great to see that everything else passes! Surely this
> will be a browser that will gain user share at some point, IMO, and
> it's better to be ahead of the curve than playing catch-up.
> Matt Kruse

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