
Interesting approach... I like it!  Now I'll see if I can get this to
work on the site... like replacing the missing widget with a static
image or something... so the page doesn't have a gaping hole where the
weather's supposed to be (which is what was happening when iBegin was
down and the widget wouldn't load, on-and-off all day a few days ago).

Thanks a lot!!!

 - John

On Sep 7, 6:22 pm, Brad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Here is a different approach. Include the javascript source for the
> in the body of your page. On load run a delayed
> function to see if it has written its forecast to your page. I ran
> this on a test page and it worked. I could never get the ibegin source
> to fail, therefore I had to change the script source to something else
> like to simulate failure. BTW, I was
> playing with the widget, so my example gets a different forecast than
> yours.
> <script>
>         var ibeginHTML;
>         function ibeginLoaded() {
>                 ibeginHTML = $("#ibegin div").html();
>                 if (ibeginHTML == null) {
>                         alert('Widget not loaded');
>                         // You'd do something useful here like insert your 
> missing widget
> image
>                 }
>         }
>         function ibeginTest() {
>                 // Give the widget a few seconds to load
>                 setTimeout('ibeginLoaded();',2000);
>         }
>         $().ready(function(){
>                 ibeginTest();
>         });
> </script>
> </head>
> <body>
>  ... other content ...
> <div id="ibegin">
> <script type="text/javascript" src="
> us/nm/santa+fe/1/1/1/1/1/
> custom.js&background_color=ffffff&color=000000&width=175&padding=10&border_ 
> width=1&border_color=000000&font_size=11&font_family=Tahoma&showicons=1"></
> script><noscript><a href="";>Weather
> Information by iBegin</a></noscript>
> </div>
>  ... more content ...
> </body>
> </html>
> On Sep 7, 3:55 pm, bcbounders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > OK... so here's what I've got so far.  I'm trying to work out the
> > jQuery so that if the iBegin weather widget is successfully loaded,
> > then the <div id="weather"> is shown... otherwise, it's hidden.
> > <script type="text/javascript">
> >         jQuery.ready(function(){
> >                 jQuery("#weather").replaceWith({
> >                         jQuery.ajax({
> >                                 type: "GET",
> >                                 dataType: "script",
> >                                 url: 
> > "
> > custom.js&background_color=transparent&color=093384&width=200&padding=0&bor 
> > der_width=0&border_color=transparent&font_size=18&font_family=inherit&showi 
> > cons=1",
> >                                 success: function(){
> >                                                 jQuery("#weather").show()
> >                                         },
> >                                 error: function(){
> >                                                 jQuery("#weather").hide()
> >                                         }
> >                         });
> >                 });
> >         });
> > </script>
> > But... what I've got isn't working.  And, being new to jQuery (and
> > Javascript), I'm not sure why it's not working... or even if this is
> > the best route to try and achieve what I want.
> > Can someone take a look and provide some feedback?  I'd really
> > appreciate it!
> > Thanks a lot!
> >  - John
> > On Sep 6, 10:49 am, bcbounders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Rene,
> > > Thanks so much for posting.
> > > I got the site up, using the iBegin weather widget on it's own.  If it
> > > helps, here's a link:
> > > I'll take a stab at doing what you suggest... wish me luck! :D  But...
> > > expect to hear more questions from me soon.
> > >  - John

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