
I made patch which addresses your problem with not-responding submenus
and makes lower-level submenus open on hover.
Any other suggestions or code improvements would be appreciated.

You can find my patch (including instructions ) on 


On Aug 7, 9:34 am, yitzc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi. I am using the Superfish menu, and it fits my needs perfectly. The
> problem is that the client I am designing the website for has decided
> that he wants the menus to appear only when he clicks on them - and
> not when he hovers the mouse over them.
> I was able to get the main menu to work onClick by modifying line 49,
> changing:
> $('li:has(ul)',this)[($.fn.hoverIntent && !o.disableHI) ?
> 'hoverIntent' : 'hover'](over,out).each(function() {...});
> To:
> $('li:has(ul)',this).click(over).hover(function()
> {},out).each(function() { ... });
> So that I still get the hover out effect when he moves the mouse off
> the menu.
> The problem is that now all my submenus don't respond - not when I
> click on them or when I move the mouse over them.
> Does anyone know why this would be happening, or (even better) have a
> working hack/fix to make Superfish work on click only?
> (If the sub-menus activate on hover, that would be a bonus)
> -- Yitzhak

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