On Sep 17, 12:38 am, africanshox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> i have a serach box that checks for a product code or product keyword.
> I need to find out how i can check if the  input submitted on this
> search box is a number, and if it is, remove any white spaces.

If by "search box" you mean an input element, then its value is
returned as a string.  Since you really don't care about the numeric
properties of the value, only that it contains just numbers, the
simplest and most efficient method is to use a regular expression.

The following creates a function that returns true if the argument
contains one or more spaces or digits.  If any non-digit or non-space
character is found, it returns false.

  var checkValue = (function() {
    var re = /^(\s|\d)+$/;
    return function(x) {
      return re.test(x);

> The reason is that product codes coming from a feed have a space in
> them and it is much easier if i sue jquery rather than go through a
> collection fo nearly 20,000 codes.

It is probably quite simple to write a function that creates an index
to the codes and a routine to search it.  It may not be faster than
the above function but it will likely be much more robust if your
codes ever change their format.


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