and no i dont mean packing or minifying! :)

basically all i need is 1 plugin (simplemodal) and because of that i'm
forced to load the entire jquery library, which is crippling load

we use jquery extensively in our website but we have banners in other
sites that open a simplemodal (lightboxish) dialog and as far as the
banners are concerned since its many sites and many different viewers
we can't really count on caching to help either...

so here's my question, is it possible to strip-down the original
jquery source code *just* for the banner modal?
i guess it could be a kind of trial and error thing, but i'm wondering
how interconnected the seperate parts of the library are and whether i
should even spend any time on this...

although it seems silly to have to load almost 50kb of additional JS
when all i want is a 5Kb plugin :)



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