You escape a quote character by putting a \ in front of it.

addQuote('This link don\'t work!');

Karl Rudd

On Wed, Sep 17, 2008 at 5:51 PM, Shawn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> When I have a string that contains an apostrophe, whats the best way
> to handle it? Should I remove it? replace it? encode it? escape it?
> For example, this function call throws the following error:
> Function:
> addQuote('This video don't work!'); return false;
> Error:
> missing ) after argument list
> addQuote('This link don't work!'); return false;
> Whats the best way to handle this scenario?
> PS - Sorry if I double posted this : / I'm just figuring out this
> whole group thing :)
> Thanks,
> --shawn

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