I like this.  And really, isn't click the only event that you would
really need this bubbling for?  Couldn't you just check the event type
and only bubble on click, so that your plugin runs fine with fast-
firing events too?

On Sep 16, 12:17 pm, Matt Kruse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've been writing my own event delegation handling for a long time,
> but today I thought I'd look at how the delegate plugin does it. Not
> very complicated, as I found out!
> It doesn't do one thing that I needed today, however. It doesn't check
> for matches against the whole bubble chain - just against the actual
> event target.
> For example, I load a table into a container via ajax, and I want to
> delegate the handling of table row clicks to the container so it still
> works after ajax reloads. The table source may look like:
> <table>
> <tbody>
>    <tr class="user">
>       <td>Matt</td>
>       <td>Kruse</td>
>    </tr>
> </tbody>
> </table>
> I want to fire a function when the user clicks on "tr.user". But when
> they actually click, the target is one of the td's, not the tr.
> I modified the delegate plugin to start at the target element and then
> bubble up through each parent element to check the selectors, just as
> the original event bubbling did. This way I can check for selector
> matches anywhere up the chain, not just on the target.
> I also changed it so I could use syntax like this:
> $('#container').delegate( 'click' , { '.selector1':func1,
> '.selector2':func2 } );
> or:
> $('#container').delegate( 'click' , '.selector1', func1 );
> Because of the simulated bubbling, I wouldn't use this for any events
> that fire rapidly. But in my tests of handling clicks (probably 95% of
> all event delegation I do) it works very quickly.
> Here is my modified code. Any thoughts?
> ;(function($) {
>         $.extend($.fn, {
>                 delegate: function(type, handlers, handler) {
>                         if (typeof handlers!='object') {
>                                 // A single selector/handler has been passed 
> in
>                                 handlers = {handlers:handler};
>                         }
>                         var selector;
>                         return this.bind(type, function(e) {
>                                 var $o = $(e.target);
>                                 while($o&&$o[0]&&$o[0]!=this) {
>                                         for (selector in handlers) {
>                                                 if ($o.is(selector)) {
>                                                         return 
> handlers[selector].apply($o,[$o,e]);
>                                                 }
>                                         }
>                                         $o = $o.parent();
>                                 }
>                         });
>                 }
>         })
> })(jQuery);
> Matt Kruse

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