Thanks so much for responding to my post:

I am having trouble getting your solution to work - I included a sample of
the code I am using.
Just an FYI I am using ColdFusion's new ajaxproxy

Whatever insights you have would be appreciated.

code below:
//init(); is called onLoad() - it is binding the table cells to the method
handlers correctly.
var init = function() {
    $("table tbody
    $("table tbody td").filter(".hasContent").click(showDetail);

//method is called on click to change the data in the table
function changeContent(){
    // create an instance of the ColdFusion/Ajax proxy.
    var e = new proxy_cfc();

//Callback function handles returned records
var handleContent = function(res)
    //unbinding does not seem to work
   $("table tbody td.hasContent").unbind('hover').unbind('mousemove');
   $("table tbody td.hasContent").unbind('click')

    for ( var i=0; i<=res.length-1; i++ ){
        //this is the row header

        var cell=rows[i].cells;

        //This is where the cells are poulated with content
        if (res[i][1].HASCONTENT){
            cell[1].innerHTML="<a onMouseOver='javascript:getRO(" +
res[i][1].CONTENT_ID + ");' " +
            "href='javascript:getDetail(" + res[i][1].CONTENT_ID + ");'>" +
res[i][1].CONTENT +"</a>";
        else {
            cell[1].innerHTML=res[i][1].CONTENT;//content here is just ;nbsp

        if (res[i][2].HASCONTENT){
            cell[2].innerHTML="<a onMouseOver='javascript:getRO(" +
res[i][2].CONTENT_ID + ");' " +
            "href='javascript:getDetail(" + res[i][2].CONTENT_ID + ");'>" +
res[i][2].CONTENT +"</a>";
        else {

    //re binding does not work
    $("table tbody
    $("table tbody td.hasContent").click(showDetail);


On Mon, Sep 15, 2008 at 3:16 PM, Ishamel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sep 15, 12:49 pm, jwynne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Currently I am using $(document).ready to bind some behaviours to
> elements in
> > the DOM based on a class name (using jquery's .filter) - This works great
> on
> > the initial load of the page however these bindings get all screwy when I
> > try injecting or editing new elements to the DOM dynamically via AJAX.
> > After researching the issue I have been trying to use the livequery
> plug-in
> > but have been unsuccessful so far.
> >
> > In $(document).ready I am assigning behaviour to td elements of the class
> > "hasContent". I am looking to hook them up to livequery listeners so that
> > the correct behaviours are assigned when the DOM is updated.
> >
> > $(document).ready(function(event) {
> >
> >         var position = function() {
> >                 }
> >         var showBox = function() {
> >                 }
> >         var hideBox = function() {
> >                 }
> >         var showDetail = function() {
> >                 }
> >
> >         //Syntax help below
> >         $("table tbody td").filter(".hasContent").hover(showBox,
> > hideBox).mousemove(position);
> >         $("table tbody td").filter(".hasContent").click(showDetail);
> >
> > });//EOF
> >
> > Can anybody help me with the syntax necessary to get livequery to
> > bind/unbind the necessary behaviours to the table tds?
> >
> > Thanks for the help.
> > --
> > View this message in context:
> > Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at
> jQuery runs the code once on load, and binds the beahvior to the
> elements. Once you star to add and remove elements using ajax you have
> to tell jquery to bind to the newly created element on the page.
> I'm not sure what how your getting you data back; but in the callback
> you will need to unbind the behavior, load the data in the DOM then
> rebind the behavior yo want
> onload bind your events
>         $("table tbody td").filter(".hasContent").hover(showBox,
> hideBox).mousemove(position);
>        $("table tbody td").filter(".hasContent").click(showDetail);
> in the callback function unbind your event
>        $("table tbody
> td.hasContent").unbind('hover').unbind('mousemove);
>        $("table tbody td.hasContent").unbind('click')
>     Inject the data into the DOM; then rebind you events
>         $("table tbody td.hasContent").hover(showBox,
> hideBox).mousemove(position);
>        $("table tbody td.hasContent").click(showDetail);
> That should work for you.
> If you add the code that you are using to do the ajax work I could be
> more precise.

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