I am trying to insert array elements through ajax request, these
elements are also arrays or multidimensional arrays. here is an

main script :
var list = [];
$.ajax({ type: "POST",
                     url: 'http://example.com/ids.js',
                     data: "id=1" ,
                     dataType: "script",
                     success: function(data){
                        alert( list[1][0] );

ids.js contents:
list[1] = [['aaa', 'bbb'], ['ccc', 'ddd']];

that would produce ' list is undefined' error
but changing datatype to 'html' and adding eval() would work fine
var list = [];
$.ajax({ type: "POST",
                     url: 'http://example.com/ids.js',
                     data: "id=1" ,
                     dataType: "html",
                     success: function(data){
                        eval( data);
                        alert( list[1][0] );

any ideas what am i doing wrong ?

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