No one could possibly have any idea what's wrong there (other than a lucky
guess), because we're not seeing your actual code.

Forget about PHP for the moment and look at what you get back from a View
Source in the browser. That's all the browser and its JavaScript interpreter
know about - your PHP source is out of the picture at that point. Do you see
what's wrong there?

If not, then please post a link to a live test page (not just a code
snippet) and I'm sure someone will be able to spot the problem.


> From: suntrop
> When write:
> $('#' + id + ' img').attr("src", "images/favorites.png"); . it works.
> alert (msg) says "favorites".
> There must be something wrong with msg. If the variable is 
> defined before var favimg = "favorites"; and I insert favimg 
> it works just fine.
> What could be wrong with msg? msg is what I echo back in my PHP code.
> I don't know if this is the appropriate way.

> On 22 Sep., 13:34, MorningZ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > "But the image isn't replaced correctly"
> >
> > Perhaps try changing this line instead
> >
> > $('#' + id + ' img').attr("src", "images/"+msg+".png");
> >
> > There's no reason why that (or your line for that matter) wouldn't 
> > work as long as the selector finds something and the value of the 
> > "src" is a valid path on your server

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