try this mask plugin:

On Sep 27, 12:16 pm, Eric C <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello:
> I've added some features to Josh Bush's Masked Input plugin, but I
> can't seem to get in touch with him via his website.
> I've added a suggested setting, which suggests a character that would
> be used in a character position in the field, e.g.
> (".monthNumber").mask("99", {suggested: "0"} )  will fill in the first
> character in the field: 0_ and set the caret at the first non-
> suggested character.  It also accepts a sparse array:
> (".incrementByHalfpoint").mask("99.9",{suggested:[,,,0]})  would
> initalize the input field as __.0.
> I also added an overlay setting, which will put an overlay character
> in the field in place of the suggested character, for example:
> (".monthNumber").mask("99",{suggested: "0", overlay:"1"} ) would
> automatically change the month field to 1_ when the user backspaced or
> left arrowed over the  0 in the field.
> I also put a couple other touches in to make user input more
> intuitive.  I'm hoping Josh looks over this list every once in a
> while.  If not, what do I do?  I'd like to get these changes in the
> plugin, because they address the primary weakness in the plugin.
> Thanks
> Eric

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