Hello, I want to reduce the header calls for a flash file used
repeatedly on a page.  There are 24 HTTP requests for a file that is
already downloaded.. So My question is how would I call it once and
then not again for the rest of the page?

the code area is like this


src: (p.path || '').replace(/([^\/])$/, '$1/') + (p.font ||
'$1')).replace(/([^\.][^s][^w][^f])$/, '$1.swf'),


var SORUCE = 'Scripts/flash/rounded_rectangle.swf';
$('.Round_gen53').attr('rel',''+SORUCE +':::transparent:
$('.Round_gen54').attr('rel',''+SORUCE +':::transparent:

and the functions get ran for each element... but I don't see why the
repeated HTTP request is needed and it's slowing my site down... So
says YSlow lol.... Any ideas on how to fix/write this? thank you for
the help.

Some other things...
Configure ETags
Expires header
are set
as well as

<FilesMatch "\.(js|css|swf|gz)$">
 Header set Cache-Control "max-age=604800"

Thank again

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