I'm so it is be cahced but the HTTP requests on the dead download is
still high... I'm not sure how to stop it frm makeing the requests
sice the first time it runs through the functions it has downloaded
the swf so no need to make a new HTTP request... any ideas on this?

On Sep 28, 10:56 am, jeremyBass <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Does anyone have an idea on this... or , and I don't do this well and
> lot lol, but am I not being clear?  I really need to figure this
> out... Thanks
> jeremyBass
> On Sep 27, 3:21 pm, jeremyBass <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hello, I want to reduce the header calls for a flash file used
> > repeatedly on a page.  There are 24 HTTP requests for a file that is
> > already downloaded.. So My question is how would I call it once and
> > then not again for the rest of the page?
> > the code area is like this
> > ex.1)
> > src: (p.path || '').replace(/([^\/])$/, '$1/') + (p.font ||
> > ele.css('fontFamily').replace(/^\s+|\s+$|,[\S|\s]+|'|"|(,)\s+/g,
> > '$1')).replace(/([^\.][^s][^w][^f])$/, '$1.swf'),
> > ex.2)
> > var SORUCE = 'Scripts/flash/rounded_rectangle.swf';
> > $('.Round_gen53').attr('rel',''+SORUCE +':::transparent:
> > 45:0:100:57:0:0x000000:0xecffa4:15:2:2');
> > $('.Round_gen54').attr('rel',''+SORUCE +':::transparent:
> > 45:0:100:57:0:0x000000:0xecffa4:15:2:2');
> > and the functions get ran for each element... but I don't see why the
> > repeated HTTP request is needed and it's slowing my site down... So
> > says YSlow lol.... Any ideas on how to fix/write this? thank you for
> > the help.
> > jeremyBass
> > Some other things...
> > Configure ETags
> > Expires header
> > are set
> > as well as
> > <FilesMatch "\.(js|css|swf|gz)$">
> >  Header set Cache-Control "max-age=604800"
> > </FilesMatch>
> > Thank again- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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