Thanks for that Joel.

It helped. Now the dropdown goes over the select box, but it's losing
it's style in the process. I.e. when i starts dropping out, it loses
it's background-color, border and the word "false" is written in the
first element of the dropped-down menu. Weird... This only happens in
IE6 now, but the other browsers are fine.

Any ideas?

On Oct 3, 3:29 pm, "Joel Birch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Ettiene,
> You need to add an .end() to before you add the find('ul').bgIframe() like so:
> $(document).ready(function(){
>        $("ul.nav").superfish()
>                .find(">li>ul>li:has(ul)").addClass("isparent").end()
>                .find('ul').bgIframe({opacity:false});
> });
> Joel Birch.

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