More info....

The dialog works fine, unless it is modal.  The overlay gets a z-index of 
1001.  And seems to always be 1 more than the highest z-index on the page.  
Themeroller does not include any classes for the overlay, so this seems to be 
a conflict between the themeroller classes and the default library based 
styles.  (because Flora works fine with those same styles...)

If it helps any, I'm running FF3 on 64bit Kubuntu.


On Sunday 12 October 2008 04:39:36 Shawn wrote:
> I just downloaded a theme from the jquery.ui themeroller
> (
> When I apply that theme to a dialog with form elements, the form elements
> cannot be clicked on because the z-index is not quite right.
> It seems that ANY theme there runs into this problem....  It looks like the
> z-index is somewhat dynamic, so it's not just a quick fix in the css (that
> I can see right this moment).
> Is this a known issue with a known work-around?  Or do I need to start
> hacking away at it?
> Besides this, I like the ThemeRoller very much.... though it'd be nice if
> the dialog buttons were aligned to the right.  Like real dialogs.. :)  (I
> know... I'm free to change the CSS as needed, but still.. lol)
> Shawn

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