That is really slick.  I like the check boxes after it validates.  It
looks like you are very well versed in jQuery.  This is my first
script, but I haven't had time to test it yet.  It took me two days
(well evenings) to research the right strategy to get that far.  I am
hoping to submit the form for server-side validation, this way I can
use this for any form validation, I just have to change the server
side validation response.  From the server-side validation, I am
hoping to send a JSON array then dynamically update the corresponding
div with the key name to the key value.  Will the following update the
div with the id name of variable err_id with the value contained by
err_message?   $(err_id).val() = err_message;  In the past I've wrote
my own JS like the following:
document.getElementById('err_provcode').innerHTML = err_provcode;

I also work in the Health Care industry on the billing side.  I need
to do multiple validations combining different dependencies based on
database queries for Medical Coding Data Entry on the front-end.


On Oct 13, 11:43 am, Kevin Scholl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've done something similar to this, where validation is may be run at
> either field level or on form submit, or both (default is both, can be
> overridden by invocation setting, below).
> Routine is invoked by the following snippet in the HEAD of the
> document:
> $("#myFormSample").jqValidate({
>   // validateAt : "both", // "blur" | "submit" | "both"
>   passMin : 6
>   });
> The validation script itself is the bottom half of the following:
> and checks that required fields have data, as well as various
> specialized fields have proper formatting and such.  I'm quite sure
> that it could be cleaned up considerably by anyone more versed than
> myself in the intricacies of jQuery, but I'm pretty pleased thus far.
> Kevin
> On Oct 13, 10:45 am, Nishan Karassik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Wouldn't the $("#my-form [EMAIL PROTECTED]'input']").blur(function() { be
> > my trigger?
> > I would like to validate as the user tabs through the form.  How would
> > I not run the function if the field just tabbed from is blank?
> > Thanks for your validation of my script.
> > Nishan
> > On Oct 13, 7:30 am, "Jörn Zaefferer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > wrote:
> > > Validation should always hook into the submit event, eg.
> > > $(#myform").submit(function() { ... });
> > > That handles both clicking the submit button as well as hitting enter
> > > while an input field has focus.
> > > Apart from that, the form plugin handles submitting forms via ajax and
> > > handling the response quite well, including file 
> > > uploads:
> > > Jörn
> > > On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 5:57 AM, Nishan Karassik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> > > wrote:
> > > > Hello,
> > > > I have never written a Jquery script, but have, over the last few
> > > > days, compiled the following, but was hoping someone could look over
> > > > this to see if I had problems.
> > > > $(document).ready(function () {
> > > >        $("#my-form [EMAIL PROTECTED]'input']").blur(function() {
> > > >                var queryString = $.("#my-form").formSerialize();
> > > >                $.post("/path/to/your/validation.php", queryString,
> > > > function(validation_errors) {
> > > >                        // do something like changing a css class, 
> > > > disable submit...
> > > >                        $.each(validation_errors, function(err_id, 
> > > > err_message) {
> > > >                        $(err_id).val() = err_message;
> > > >                        }
> > > >                )};
> > > >        });
> > > > )});
> > > > Thanks,
> > > > Nishan

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