You can use this syntax:

if ( $('#elementToBeUpdated').is('input,textarea') ) {
 // use val();
} else {
 // use text();

or you can take advantage of the empty return object (only one will


or better yet, elements usually don't have a value attribute:

(this.value) ? $(this).val(new) : $(this).text(new);

- ricardo

On Oct 19, 11:30 am, RotinPain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> @ Balazs Endresz:
> You're right, and Ricardobeat has given the good answer ;)
> Even if i'm working with Firebug I didn't notice this behavior between
> value and text.
> @Remy:
> yeah! I couldn't manage to put xml in jsbin. I followed the ajax video
> without no success.
> Any view where i pasted the xml (JS or HTML views) it was outputted
> without tags. The only manner i found was to paste html encoded
> caracters in the html view. So that the output was fine (at screen)
> ( I do paste that in html view: &lt;xml&gt; &lt;set
> id=&quot;textfield&quot;&gt;value for test 1&lt;/set&gt; &lt;/
> xml&gt; )
> Is there a simple way to use xml at jsbin ? like you do with json in
> the ajax video ? Thanx for the jsbin app, it kills all !!!!!
> @ Ricardo:
> val() is working fine in this case, thanx. Nice analysis of the FF
> behavior with textarea text/value attributes ;)
> what i didn't mention is that the element to be updated could be any
> element in the page (textarea, div or p ... )
> The first code I wrote in dev was including a test case for the
> element tagname before to update it, and i was right then! (But when i
> saw that text() was working with textarea too (mainly in IE), i
> deleted this test case using text() for updating any element content).
> Here's the test case I was using :
> var viewer = $("[id='" + update[0] + "']");
> var viewertag = viewer.attr("tagName").toLowerCase()
> if (viewertag == "textarea" || viewertag == "input") {
>   viewer.val( update[1] );//input detected}
> else {
>   viewer.text( update[1] );//other than inputs
> }
> Would there be a method to update any element without any test case ?
> Thank you all for you help. I now understand better why it does not
> always work in FF (IE and SAFARI 3(win32)  where working fine with the
> code) !

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