Hi Olaf,

The accordion is closed when the page loads as I had wanted. The following is what is in the head section to do that. I appreciate your response as that is what got me on the right path.
active: true,
alwaysOpen: false,              
animated: 'easeslide',
autoheight: false

Thanks again,

On Nov 2, 2008, at 10:16 PM, Frank J Ryan wrote:

Hi Olaf,

I'll try that.


On Nov 2, 2008, at 5:48 PM, Olaf Bosch wrote:

Frankjr schrieb:
Hi all,
I am a js idiot, but I did manage to get a page up and working. My
problem is that I want all accordions closed initially and can't seem
to find the solution. (The first one is always extended.) I thought
'all closed' was the default but apparently not. Here is the test url:

try     active: false,  in the options

Viele Grüße, Olaf


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