The code to remove the element is outside the plugin. I figured that
the plugin should be able to clear it's Intervals even though it
wasn't destroyed by the parent.
Where I implement this would be the preferred way to do it.

I found a way to get it to work partially, but that spawned another
problem. Currently I'm trying to understand the window.setInterval. I
just can't figure out on what level this interval is and WHAT it is.
For example, if I do the following:

var interval = window.setInterval([something, something]);
console.log(interval); // outputs a number

And if I assign window.setInterval() to "interval" again I now seem to
have two instances of an interval which seems also suddenly

I got the "is element still in the dom"-functionality to work by
grabbing the original ID and checking $(element_id).length, but that
isn't good enough since I should not rely on an element having an ID
that also must be unique, and I don't want to assign a unique ID
myself. That just seems improper.

The most elegant solution would be if window.setInterval only could be
one interval on each  unique variable, but they seem to add together
and cause interval-havoc if I don't make sure I clear them before
reassigning, which I don't know how to do if the parent have deleted
the dom-element on which the plugin was assigned.

I'm flabbergasted.

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