You have to modify your method to make it optional, like this:

$.validator.addMethod("dropdown", function(value, element) {
    return this.optional(element) || element.selectedIndex>0;


On Wed, Nov 5, 2008 at 6:23 PM, Pezza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
> Using JQuery + Validate plugin. When I create a new custom rule using
> a call to addMethod then use required:"myradio:checked" it will always
> trigger the validation to fail even if the radio is unchecked. This
> behaviour does not occur when you use the built in validation methods.
> $.validator.addMethod("dropdown", function(value, element) {
>     return element.selectedIndex>0;
> },'');
> $("#myform").validate({
>                rules:{
>                        mydropdown:{required:"#myradio:checked",dropdown:true}
>                }
> });
> So even when #myradio is NOT checked the rule is saying that
> validation has failed. What I would like to happen would be for
> validated to check the "required" rule first, if the radio is
> unchecked then it should return valid and drop calls to any other
> validation methods.
> Any ideas or have I got something backwards.
> Thanks

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