
I've added some validate() calls now.  I assumed that this wasn't
necessary when I explicitly call valid() but perhaps I've got that
wrong.  Anyways, it doesn't appear to have changed things.  The valid
call on the second form is always returning true (for IE), even if the
required fields are empty.  On Firefox it's doing the right thing.

When you say extract a testpage, what do you mean?  Remove as much
from the page as possible whilst keeping the problem?



On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 4:54 PM, Jörn Zaefferer
> I see the "valid" calls in your code, but none where you actually
> initialize the validation via $(...).validate().
> Could you extract a testpage?
> Jörn
> On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 4:48 PM, Michael Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi there
>> I'm having trouble getting the Validation plug in to work on this page
>> http://dev2.savingforchildren.co.uk/mjs/health/index.epl
>> I have two forms - the second one appears when the first one is
>> successfully completed.
>> The first form validates correctly (you only need to choose a day,
>> month and year from the dropdowns)
>> However, when using IE no validation is applied to the second form (ie
>> you can leave the whole page blank and it is accepted).  Firefox works
>> fine
>> Any help much apprecited
>> Thanks,
>> Michael

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