Hi, I am using JQuery UI tab panel and one of the tab has remotely loaded
form which I submit using ajaxForm...
Once I submit form and in case server return error message for any invalid
values, then I correct form and resubmit...After this new response is coming
in new page. I know page elements are bind only once in ajax call and new
form is not bind for bind ajax call. but question is how to find form for
new ajax call so that all my response comes inside tab panel...I tried
couple of things but nothing is working for me...
I can share my code...Please let me know if you have any idea...

var $tabs = $('#myFriends ul').tabs({

                  load: function(e, ui){

                       // bind form using 'ajaxForm'

                    target: '#importFriendsSuccess',

                    success: function(data,jqForm,options){
                           $("#importFriendsForm :input[type=text]
                        error: function(xhr){
                           $("#importFriendsError").html("Request Failed,
Please try after some time. HTTP Response Status is:"+ xhr.status + " and
Status Text is:" + xhr.statusText);



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