Please do not reply to this mail. I have figured out issue.. Thanks...Have a
nice day...

On Mon, Nov 17, 2008 at 1:25 PM, Raghu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi, I am using JQuery UI tab panel and one of the tab has remotely loaded
> form which I submit using ajaxForm...
> Once I submit form and in case server return error message for any invalid
> values, then I correct form and resubmit...After this new response is coming
> in new page. I know page elements are bind only once in ajax call and new
> form is not bind for bind ajax call. but question is how to find form for
> new ajax call so that all my response comes inside tab panel...I tried
> couple of things but nothing is working for me...
> I can share my code...Please let me know if you have any idea...
> var $tabs = $('#myFriends ul').tabs({
>                   load: function(e, ui){
>                        // bind form using 'ajaxForm'
>                     $('#importFriendsForm').ajaxForm({
>                     target: '#importFriendsSuccess',
>                     success: function(data,jqForm,options){
>                          /*
>                            $("#importFriendsForm :input[type=text]
> ").attr("disabled",true);
>                            $("#importFriendsForm
> :input[type=password]").attr("disabled",true);
>                            $("#importFriendsForm
> :submit").attr("disabled",true);
>                          */
>                         },
>                         error: function(xhr){
>                            $("#importFriendsError").html("Request Failed,
> Please try after some time. HTTP Response Status is:"+ xhr.status + " and
> Status Text is:" + xhr.statusText);
>                         }
>                     });
>                   }
>         });
>     });

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