There's no need to hide it even, since it's disconnected from the DOM.

- Richard

On Mon, Nov 17, 2008 at 3:01 PM, Hector Virgen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> You can try assigning the value of the textarea to a hidden div. Then
> you'll have access to jQuery's functions on the HTML:
> var html = $('#content').val();
> var div = $('<div />').css({display: 'none'});
> div.html(html);
> div.find('a[target]').removeAttr('target');
> Then replace the textarea with the html contents of the div:
> var filtered = div.html();
> $(#content).val(filtered);
> -Hector
> On Mon, Nov 17, 2008 at 11:22 AM, cc96ai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
>> If we do the replace , it will replace all the tag's border & target.
>> is there anyway it can replace on tag level  ?
>> On Nov 17, 10:34 am, Eric Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > If you just want the "string" value, how about:
>> >
>> > var content = $("#content").val();
>> > content = content.replace(/ target=(\'|\")_(new|blank)(\'|\")/, "");
>> > content = content.replace(/ border=(\'|\")\d+(\'|\")/, "");
>> >
>> > -Eric
>> >
>> > On Nov 17, 10:18 am, cc96ai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >
>> > > I have a text area in the following
>> > > <textarea cols="50" rows="5" id="content">
>> > > <a id="link" href=""; target="_new">test link</a>
>> > > <img src="images/test.jpg" border="1" vspace="2" alt="test">
>> > > </textarea>
>> >
>> > > and I would like to strip out the hyperlink target, and image border,
>> > > and get the string of the HTML,
>> > > any idea on it?
>> >
>> > > I try the following, but it only remove the hyperlink in the page, not
>> > > the hyperlink in textarea.
>> > >         $("a").removeAttr("target");
>> >
>> > > Can I load the textarea 's content in jquery, then do the select/
>> > > remove the attribute and return as string?
>> >
>> > > Thanks

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