That is my original design, however if the textarea contains the
javascript, it will execute the Javascript in div as well.

in the following example, the popup will come out when we try to
populate the textarea content into div.
that's why I am looking other way to parse the content.
<textarea cols="50" rows="5" id="content">
<a id="link" href=""; target="_new" border="2">test
<img src="images/test.jpg" border="1" vspace="2" alt="test">


On Nov 17, 12:01 pm, "Hector Virgen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You can try assigning the value of the textarea to a hidden div. Then you'll
> have access to jQuery's functions on the HTML:
> var html = $('#content').val();
> var div = $('<div />').css({display: 'none'});
> div.html(html);
> div.find('a[target]').removeAttr('target');
> Then replace the textarea with the html contents of the div:
> var filtered = div.html();
> $(#content).val(filtered);
> -Hector
> On Mon, Nov 17, 2008 at 11:22 AM, cc96ai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > If we do the replace , it will replace all the tag's border & target.
> > is there anyway it can replace on tag level  ?
> > On Nov 17, 10:34 am, Eric Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > If you just want the "string" value, how about:
> > > var content = $("#content").val();
> > > content = content.replace(/ target=(\'|\")_(new|blank)(\'|\")/, "");
> > > content = content.replace(/ border=(\'|\")\d+(\'|\")/, "");
> > > -Eric
> > > On Nov 17, 10:18 am, cc96ai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > I have a text area in the following
> > > > <textarea cols="50" rows="5" id="content">
> > > > <a id="link" href=""; target="_new">test link</a>
> > > > <img src="images/test.jpg" border="1" vspace="2" alt="test">
> > > > </textarea>
> > > > and I would like to strip out the hyperlink target, and image border,
> > > > and get the string of the HTML,
> > > > any idea on it?
> > > > I try the following, but it only remove the hyperlink in the page, not
> > > > the hyperlink in textarea.
> > > >         $("a").removeAttr("target");
> > > > Can I load the textarea 's content in jquery, then do the select/
> > > > remove the attribute and return as string?
> > > > Thanks

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