We've done a number of asp.net projects that use jQuery heavily. We do not use the MS Ajax stuff, because it's not vendor neutral. Many of our apps use C# web services and js-based widgets rendered client-side via Trimpath _javascript_ Templates, with some tie-ins to the asp.net security model. The main hurdles we've found have been relatively easy to workaround and have nothing to do with jquery:

1. asp.net forms by default render the whole page inside a single form, which means we can't nest forms easily unless we override the default asp.net forms behavior, which then introduces some other side-effects. In general, we've been able to work around this limitation pretty easily.

2. asp.net controls render with id's that asp.net creates (so that nested objects can be managed by asp.net's intrernal logic). Because of that, we add a sprinkle of code sometimes that passes the id's of the controls we want to touch into a js init function, then assign those values to our js vars inside our js libraries. That said, we only have to do that when we want the js to be aware of some controls rendered by asp.net.

Firebug's our primary js debugging tool and has worked out fine. Sometimes we use the MS script debugger, but only because there's no firebug in IE.

- Jack

rolfsf wrote:
Are any of these clashes with asp.net that you and c.barr refer to
anything that could be remedied by the jQuery Core team if they know
about it? Or are these due to deeper structural philosophies that are
unlikely to be resolved any time soon?

On Nov 18, 2:27 pm, "Armand Datema" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
mm Ive notices some clashes with asp.net but there is plenty info around (
from some of the top .net guys that realy take Jquery and asp.net combo to
the edge.) how to make it deal wit this much better. Problem is that a lot
of the ajax is hardwired into .net and therefore jquery alternatives take a
bit more time but after that its much cleaner and easier to modify.

He does have a point wit the debugging but I dont see that as such a big
point, if you combine the .net debugging and firebug you can pretty much
almost pinpoint your errors.

If you are not realy stuck too much into the .net toolkit and dare to step
outside of the bounds a bit Jquery in teh end will only save time

On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 10:52 PM, rolfsf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

A friend had sent this rant in to microsoft, regarding jquery, which
is published on their developer site. Not being an asp.net developer,
I don't know what to make of his points. I'd be interested to hear
from some asp.net developers who have embraced jquery - is it truly a
Armand Datema
CTO SchwingSoft


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