If the XML is really that simple, then the JSON format can be even simpler.
Just use an array:

[ "onr_fc2.jpg", "onr_fc2.jpg", "onr_fc2.jpg", "onr_fc2.jpg" ]

Then your code looks like:

  success: function( files ) {
     for( var i = 0;  i < files.length; ++i )
        do_something( files[i] );

As you can see, JSON is nothing more than the native JavaScript literal
format for objects, arrays, and simpler data types such as strings and
numbers. Because it is the native JavaScript format, there is no parsing
required - the JavaScript interpreter already knows how to parse it, and you
can access object properties and array elements directly.

But here is a much better solution. Since you are loading this data file
once when the page loads, simply have readimages.php generate a complete
JavaScript statement:

var imageList = [ "onr_fc2.jpg", "onr_fc2.jpg", "onr_fc2.jpg", "onr_fc2.jpg"

Then remove your $.ajax call from the $(document).ready() function, and
replace this statement:

    var imageList = [];


        '<script type="text/javascript" src="readimages.php?',
            'imagefolder=', folderName, '&',
            'imageprefix=', imagePrefix, '&',
            'random=', Math.random()*99999,

Note that this code goes outside the $(document).ready() function. Where you
have the var imageList = [] is a perfect place to put it.

Then you will have your imageList filename array ready to use without any
Ajax downloads or XML parsing. This will avoid any possibility of locking up
the users's browser (and other browser windows) while the page loads. It's a
lot simpler and better for the user too.


> From: Jeffrey Kretz
> Well, it was a bit of a pain to step through, as it was 
> minimized jquery -- the full uncompressed version is much 
> better for debugging.
> But as I stepped through, the success method did actually fire.
> The problem was that $(xml).find('file') did not return any results.
> I've never used jQuery to traverse XML nodes, so maybe 
> someone else can help.  Here was the XML result I got:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <filelist>
>   <file>onr_fc2.jpg</file>
>   <file>onr_whd.jpg</file>
>   <file>onr_lbp.jpg</file>
>   <file>onr_egwt.jpg</file>
>   <file>onr_mpr.jpg</file>
>   <file>onr_fifa.jpg</file>
>   <file>onr_waw.jpg</file>
>   <file>onr_main.jpg</file>
>   <file>onr_r2.jpg</file>
> </filelist>
> But as Mike said, json would be an easier way to do it.  The 
> data would look something like this:
> jQuery would then use eval() to convert that into an array of 
> objects.  Your success function would do something like this:
> success:function(files){
>    for (var i=0;i<files.length;i++)
>    {
>       do_something(files[i].file);
>    }
> }
> JK
> -----Original Message-----
> From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com 
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of David Andrews
> Sent: Saturday, November 29, 2008 7:25 PM
> To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
> Subject: [jQuery] Re: .ajax and ie7?
> Thanks Mike and JK,
> A sample url is here.. 
> www.foobar.me.uk/test/example.htm
> To answer your questions: 
> 1. This does seem to be required as it loads the image names 
> into an array which is then used to populate the image src in 
> the DOM. If I leave async true then I get empty images for 
> the first couple of transitions.
> 2. Thanks for the tip on JSON - not familiar with it but will 
> do some research - cheers.
> -----
> If you open the above link in firefox then you will see some 
> image transitions based on an array populated from my ajax 
> request - in IE that array does not get populated as it looks 
> like the ajax request is not getting called.
> Also - don't get me wrong I'm not anti IE - just asking! ;)
> Cheers
> Dave
> -----Original Message-----
> From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com 
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Michael Geary
> Sent: 30 November 2008 03:10
> To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
> Subject: [jQuery] Re: .ajax and ie7?
> Of course Ajax works in IE. IE is the browser that invented 
> Ajax (XMLHttpRequest)!
> Troubleshooting a code snippet is a lost cause. ;-) Can you 
> post a link to a test page?
> A couple of tips, not directly related to the IE problem...
> async: false is an extreme measure that should be avoided if 
> possible. It locks up the user interface of all browsers 
> running in the same thread. Do you have to do that?
> It sounds like you are in control of the PHP code that 
> generates the XML, is that right? If so, you would be better 
> off generating JSON instead of XML.
> It's easier to work with JSON, and much faster too.
> -Mike
> > From: David Andrews
> > 
> > Hello all,
> > 
> > I am using .ajax to populate an array via a PHP generated XML file
> > 
> > //snip
> > 
> > $.ajax({
> >             url : "readimages.php",
> >             async : false,
> >             data : "imagefolder=" + folderName + "&imagePrefix=" +
> imagePrefix,
> >             success : function(xml)
> >             {
> >                      $(xml).find('file').each(function()
> >                      {
> >                             imageList.push($(this).text());
> >                      });
> >             }
> >     });
> > 
> > This works perfectly in FF but the success function does not get 
> > called when run in IE7... should this code work ok or is IE a lost 
> > cause?
> > 
> > Cheers
> > Dave

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