
how about checking the current background image directly instead of
toggling a variable?

var image = $('#chess-board-flip').css('background-image');
if(image == 'url(a.jpg')) {
  $('#chess-board-flip').css('background-image', 'url(b.jpg');
} else {
  $('#chess-board-flip').css('background-image', 'url(a.jpg');


On 3 Dez., 22:58, "Alfredo Alessandrini" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've write this function:
> http://dpaste.com/95869/
> for change the background image on mouse click....
> My problem is that there are others funcions that can change the
> background image, and my the function must change the images whatever
> it is:
> if there is the image "bw-board2.png" change with "bw-board.png" and 
> viceversa.
> There is a better system for write my function?
> Thanks,
> Alfredo

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