I tried it, believe me. :)

Yet I had to use frames due to close deadlines as divs that I used
were placed abnormally everwhere depending on which browser were
presented in.
I have to create a navigation side on the left and a content area on
the right. The menu should always be visible while the content should
be scrollable. The menu should become hidden on click and the
splitting between the sides should be adjustable. Tell me, is there
div-based jQuery code that accomplishes this? I use jTree for the
navigation menu and I tried jSplitter for creating the splitter but I
couldn't create an always visible yet scrollable layout :)

So I reverted back to frames and it works well in major browsers, I
can adjust splitter, I can scroll content, I just lost the possibility
of creating a smooth animation ( I animate the disappearing of the
navigation menu).

If you have better ideas, tell me.

On dec. 4, 02:28, ricardobeat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You can only animate CSS properties, the col width is not one of them.
> Get rid of the frames and use some clean code :)
> On Dec 3, 9:40 pm, andriscs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I know it's kinda lame, but I should animate the setting of a
> > frameset's cols property.
> > So far I managed to learn that html properties can be animated using
> > anime({prop:”value”},duration)
> > I created for example a font size changer using that code.
> > As I work now with frames, I tried to modify a frameset’s properties:
> > first I used the following code:
> > top.$("#main_frame").attr("cols","0%,*");
> > It worked fine, the left frame disappeared. I just wanted to make it
> > with animation, so I tried the following:
> > top.$("#main_frame").animate({cols:"0%,*"},600);
> > but nothing happened. Is it because attribute ’cols’ cannot be
> > animated by jQuery’s inner mechanism? Honestly, I don’t feel much
> > difference between animating width property and cols property. Do you
> > have any idea of how to animate that kind of operation?
> > If not possbile what else solution would you suggest me to hide a left
> > sided navigation menu that resides in a frame?

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