Try using $(this).attr('id') instead of this.getAttribute('id'), etc.
IE is a bit funny with getAttribute

Just as an aside, I would replace $("[EMAIL PROTECTED]") with
$('param[name="AppID"]'), just to be a bit neater :)


2008/12/8 jhm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I'm new to jQuery and have a simple script to set up an object in the
> markup. It works fine on FireFox and Opera, but fails to do anything
> in IE7. Are there steps I'm missing to make it work on all three?
> Here's the code in its simplest form:
> <head>
>        <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.js"></script>
>        <script type="text/javascript">
>                $(document).ready(function()
>                {
>                        var
>                        objectID  = "myID";
>                        classID   = "myClassID";
>                        srcUrl    = "";;
>                        codeBase  = srcUrl+"download/mytest.exe";
>                        appID     = "myAppID";
>                        appInit   = "AppInitString";
>                        $("object").attr("id", objectID);
>                        $("object").attr("classid", classID);
>                        $("object").attr("codebase", codeBase);
>                        $("[EMAIL PROTECTED]").attr("value", appID);
>                        $("[EMAIL PROTECTED]").attr("value", srcUrl);
>                        $("[EMAIL PROTECTED]").attr("value", appInit);
>                        $("object").each(function(i)
>                        {
>                                alert( this.getAttribute("id") );
>                                alert( this.getAttribute("classid") );
>                                alert( this.getAttribute("codebase") );
>                        });
>                        $("param").each(function(i)
>                        {
>                                alert( this.getAttribute("value") );
>                        });
>                });
>        </script>
> </head>
> <body>
>        <object width='900' height='600' id='' classid='' codebase=''>
>                <param name='AppID' value='' />
>                <param name='SrcURL' value='' />
>                <param name='AppInit' value='' />
>        </object>
> </body>
> Thanks!

Rik Lomas

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