I use JqModal for my own site! http://swoop.homelinux.org/mychico/
At the bottom of page, have a link
Advertise <ads_request.php> | About Us <about_us.php> | Contact
Us<contact_us.php>| Privacy
Policy <privacy_policy.php> | Promote Our Site <aff_banner_code.php> | Terms
Of Service <terms_sevices_footer.php>

Advertise is a jqModal link! With firefox, click on Advertise, dialog is
open and i can see close button!
But with IE7, the close button doesn't appear!
Could anyone help me to solved this?

* Người ta thưởng chỉ chú ý đến những kẻ lên như diều gặp gió! Nhưng hỡi ôi,
chỉ có cát, bụi và lông hồng mới là những thứ lên nhanh nhất

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