Josh, these are very cool additions, love the New mask syntax option '?' and
the improved usability.
Thanks for your hard work!

just noticed in the demo that if i don't fill the input completely and go to
another input, it removes the entered value entirely as soon as the input
loses focus. That's a bit harsh. Maybe that's where a validation should take
over and paint the input red so that the user realizes he didn't completely
filled in the content.

On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 3:39 PM, Josh Bush <> wrote:

> There is now a new version of my Masked Input Plugin (
> ) for jQuery.
> Version 1.2.1 moves one step closer to my bigger picture for the
> plugin.  I had to make a few breaking changes to do so, but I feel
> that the end result is worth it.  This release adds a lot more polish
> to the 1.2 release.  Here's what we've got.
> * BREAKING CHANGE: Removed deprecated $.mask.addPlaceholder method.
> Use the "$.mask.definitions['']="";" syntax instead.  I said I was
> going to do this on the last release and now seems just as good a time
> as any.
> * BREAKING CHANGE: Removed "allowPartial" option in favor of new mask
> syntax I'll describe below.  A discussion and code exchange with
> Michael Bray inspired this change.  I hate that it's a breaking
> change, but the new way makes a lot more sense.
> * New mask syntax option '?'.  Anything listed after '?' within the
> mask is considered optional user input.  The common example for this
> is phone number + optional extension.  The new syntax will look like
> this: "(999) 999-9999? x99999"
> * I got rid of the awkward input behavior where users typed over top
> of existing input.  The plugin acted like a word processor Insert
> mode.  This has always agrivated me, so now the input shifts on input
> and backspace/delete.
> * Now calling .change() on blur if the value has changed since the
> plugin prevents the change event from being fired naturally.
> * Pasting incomplete test no longer wipes the input.  Instead, the
> cursor is just placed where the input leaves off.
> * Fixed backspace detection for iPhone.  Plugin is now iPhone
> compatible.
> * Fixed pasting bug when mask starts with a literal and caret position
> is on the literal character.
> I feel really good about this release.  I made some changes that I
> feel are good for the direction of the plugin.  Iif you don't like
> some of the changes please let me know and I'll look at adding them
> back in as options.  I'm trying hard not to bloat things up, but I
> don't want to remove features that are needed.
> Merry Christmas!
> Josh

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