hi guys ...

my html is something like that

<p>content content</p>
content content content

Now i want to add divs to split this into containers. It should look
like that

<div class="1">
<p>content content</p>
<div class="2">
content content content

What is the best way to do this??
I started with somethink like that:

var first = jQuery('div.prod_left_content h3:first').html();
jQuery('div.prod_left_content h3').each(function(){
                         var catname = jQuery(this).html();
                         if (catname==first) {
                         jQuery(this).before('<div class="t'+z+'">');
                                } else {
// last clos div tag
var lastel = jQuery('div.prod_left_content *:last');

The problem with that is that before ignores the div close tag.

Thanks for help

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