You can't insert 'pieces' of HTML, you need the complete elements, as
when they are inserted the browser automatically "fixes" your markup
and adds the missing closing/opening tags. To avoid that you must
concatenate everything into a string, and then append the whole string
at once - that's also faster.

But an easier way to achieve this is looping over the H3 elements, add
the <p> next to it and then wrap both:

   $(this).add( $(this).next('p') ).wrapAll('<div class="t'+i+'"/>');

- ricardo

On Dec 23, 8:11 am, ""
<> wrote:
> hi guys ...
> my html is something like that
> <h3>head1</h3>
> <p>content content</p>
> <h3>head2</h3>
> content content content
> Now i want to add divs to split this into containers. It should look
> like that
> <div class="1">
> <h3>head1</h3>
> <p>content content</p>
> </div>
> <div class="2">
> <h3>head2</h3>
> content content content
> </div>
> What is the best way to do this??
> I started with somethink like that:
> var first = jQuery('div.prod_left_content h3:first').html();
> jQuery('div.prod_left_content h3').each(function(){
>                          var catname = jQuery(this).html();
>                          if (catname==first) {
>                          jQuery(this).before('<div class="t'+z+'">');
>                                 } else {
>                                  jQuery(this).before('</div><div 
> class="t'+z+'">');
>                          }
>                         z++;
>       });
> // last clos div tag
> var lastel = jQuery('div.prod_left_content *:last');
> jQuery(lastel).after('</div>');
> The problem with that is that before ignores the div close tag.
> Thanks for help

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