
Do you have a demo page somewhere that we can take a look at? A couple suggestions in the meantime:
1. keep the margins but remove the width.
2. move the style rules out of the table element and into a stylesheet, where it'll probably be easier to adjust and override. 3. because of the way the plugin is set up, the tooltip requires an explicit width to be set. if you try setting it to auto, it'll default to 275px. Therefore, it might be easiest for you to just set a fixed width for the table as well.

Hope one of those suggestions helps.


Karl Swedberg

On Jan 4, 2009, at 10:11 PM, jq noob wrote:

I pull a full html page into the cluetip and the top level element
which is a table has this style to center it.

style="margin-left:5%; width:90%; margin-right:5%;"

The clue tip centers the content but expands the clue tip background
and body past the set width so that there is a chunk to the right that
is bigger than the title bar. It looks silly. If I remove that syle
the clue tip displays correctly but the content is left aligned. What
is the proper way to get the content to align center in the cluetip
without making the cluetip box display in-correctly. Thanks!

Love the Cluetip and Jquery. Thanks to those who wrote this stuff. I
can't believe I waited this long to jump in.


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