Thank you so much!
I have fixed items 1,2, and 3.  For items 4 and 5, I had created an
issue on the project site:

I know I shouldn't use alerts (that was more for me when I was
developing the plugin).  I would prefer to just ignore any elements
that aren't 'A' elements - can I just replace my alerts with
"return;" ?

Thank you very much for your valuable input!


On Jan 7, 9:19 am, "Richard D. Worth" <> wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 6, 2009 at 2:15 PM, BrianH <> wrote:
> > I had a need for a certain functionality on my web page and thought I
> > would try my hand at writing my first jQuery plugin (I'm sure that's
> > how everyone gets their first plugin started).  Since this is my first
> > plugin, I would really appreciate it if I could get some feedback and
> > criticism (be harsh, I can take it) on my plugin.  Rather than pasting
> > all the code in this post (I can if that is better), I started a
> > google code project for it.
> > The project page is:
> > and the javascript file is:
> >
> 1) Your usage example
> <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.postlink-0.1.js">
> $(document).ready(function() {
>   $('a').postlink();});
> </script>
> will only work if you've done something along these lines
> inside your plugin. My guess is you meant
> <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.postlink-0.1.js"></script>
> <script type="text/javascript">
> $(document).ready(function() {
>   $('a').postlink();});
> </script>
> 2) Your google code project page describes what this plugin does, but says
> nothing of why? In other words, why should I be interested? What is this
> going to do for me? What would be the perfect situation for the application
> of your plugin?
> 3) Line 11
> $obj = $(this);
> Don't forget var
> 4) Line 13
> alert("Cannot use postlink plugin on non 'A' elements");
> This looks like a message intended for a developer that might use this
> plugin, not a visitor to a web site (who would receive it nonetheless).
> Throwing an exception won't be any better, in fact much worse, because the
> developer (that decided to use your plugin) would have to know to catch the
> exception or it would break the whole site/page. And if they know that, they
> would know not to call it on anything but an 'A' element :). Best is
> - ignore something you don't support/can't do anything with
> - document how your plugin is designed, how to use it, how it will and won't
> work
> 5) Line 20
> alert("postlink plugin: Link does not contain a valid href (must contain a
> ?)");
> See 4)
> - Richard

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