> I've read through both the link you suggested 
> andhttp://www.tvidesign.co.uk/blog/improve-your-jquery-25-excellent-tips...
> but I can't understand how I would make event delegation work for me.
> This is what I attempted:
> function watchLinks()
>   {
>     $("a").click(function(e)
>     {
>       var linkClicked = $(e.target);
>       if( linkClicked.is("a"))
>       {
>         var youWantToGoTo =
> linkClicked.attr('href').substr(0,$(this).attr('href').length-4); //
> Determine destination
>         openPage(youWantToGoTo); // Open destination
>         window.location.hash = youWantToGoTo; // Set the url #
>         return false;
>       }
>     });
>   };

Don't bind the anchors, bind the document:

$(document).click(function(e) {
        var $el = $(e.target);
        if ($el.is('a')) {
                var href = $el.attr('href');
                var hash = href.substr(0,href.length-4);
                window.location.hash = hash;
                return false;

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