Yes, it was solved!  Thanks for the help everyone.

I had to use a callback in the hoverout animate() function, so the z-
index would actually be taken care of AFTER the animation ran:

                //$('#test').html(iWidth +','+ iHeight);
                                        width:$('span.resize img').width(),
                                        height:$('span.resize img').height()
                                },1000, function(){

On Jan 10, 11:53 pm, "jQuery Lover" <> wrote:
> I guess this was solved in your later repost.
> Read jQuery HowTo Resource  -
> On Sat, Jan 10, 2009 at 12:05 PM, godzilla74 <> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I'm just learning jQuery and working on stuff for fun, but right now,
> > I am stumped!  I have a hover animation happening with 4 small
> > images.  Think of them as being in a small box with some padding to
> > separate each image.  These images are small and absolutely positioned
> > so i could change the actual size.  Just to make sure you know what I
> > mean, here is the HTML & CSS:
> > <style>
> > /* the images are actually much larger, we just want to show a snippet
> > */
> > span.resize{
> >        width:100px;
> >        height:75px;
> >        overflow:hidden;
> >        padding:3px;
> >        }
> > span#pic1, span#pic2, span#pic3, span#pic4{
> >        position:absolute;
> >        z-index:-1;
> >        }
> > span#pic1{
> >        margin:0;
> >        }
> > span#pic2{
> >        margin:0 0 0 110px;
> >        }
> > span#pic3{
> >        margin:85px 0 0 0;
> >        }
> > span#pic4{
> >        margin:85px 0 0 110px;
> >        }
> > </style>
> > </head>
> > <body>
> >        <span class="resize" id="pic1"><img src="images/flower1.jpg" /></
> > span>
> >        <span class="resize" id="pic2"><img src="images/flower2.jpg" /></
> > span>
> >        <span class="resize" id="pic3"><img src="images/flower2.jpg" /
> >></span>
> >        <span class="resize" id="pic4"><img src="images/flower3.jpg" /></
> > span>
> > </body>
> > When a user hovers over an image, it actually becomes larger and the z-
> > index increases to make sure it displays over the other images (which
> > works fine).  However, upon the hover out state, the z-index seems to
> > jump up in the chain and run before the animation!  So, as the image
> > is going back to it's normal (smaller) state, the other images around
> > it show up in front as if they have a higher z-index than the hovered-
> > out image.  I don't understand why this is and I can't figure out how
> > to fix it for the life of me!  Any help would be much appreciated!
> > Here is the jQuery I have thus far:
> >        //original span.resize values that we set in the CSS
> >        var oWidth = $('span.resize').width();
> >        var oHeight = $('span.resize').height();
> >        //hover over the span image to start the function
> >        $('span.resize').hover(function(){
> >                        $(this)
> >                                .stop()
> >                                .css('z-index','99')
> >                                .animate({
> >                                        width:$('span.resize img').width(),
> >                                        height:$('span.resize img').height()
> >                                },1000)
> >                },
> >                function(){
> >                        $(this)
> >                                .css('z-index','1')
> >                                .animate({
> >                                        width:oWidth,
> >                                        height:oHeight
> >                                },1000)
> >                });
> > });
> > Thanks!

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