This returns 1 ....

I dint get it
Plz help

On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 4:26 AM, MorningZ <> wrote:

> in the "runat=server" version, put
> alert($("#"+serverIdPrefix+"table1").length));
> right before the tablesorter line....   believe me, as a .NET
> programmer myself, the runat=server is *not* causing tablesorter (or
> jQuery) to break, you definitely are not jQuery-selecting the table
> properly
> On Jan 12, 6:14 am, Genus Project <> wrote:
> > when the table is generated by server side code, are you sure you are
> > calling the correct selector ("#"+serverIdPrefix+"table1) ? maybe you
> > missed some letter or something. you can use firebug to examine the
> > generated table html to see if you are in fact calling the correct
> > selector. If you are, it really doesnt matter if the table is runat
> > server or not. They all transform to HTML fragments.
> >
> > On Jan 12, 7:52 am, varun <> wrote:
> >
> > > Hi
> > > I was trying to use jquery table sorter plugins:
> >
> > > when ever I use it like :
> > > <table  id="table1" cellspacing="1" class="tablesorter" >
> > > //row and column here
> > > </table>
> >
> > > and jquery:
> > > $("#table1")
> > >     .tablesorter({widthFixed: true, widgets: ['zebra']})
> > >     .tablesorterPager({container: $("#pager")})
> >
> > > It works fine..
> >
> > > how ever if i use :
> > > <table  id="table1" cellspacing="1" class="tablesorter"
> > > runat="server">
> > > //row and column here
> > > </table>
> >
> > > and jquery:
> > > $("#"+serverIdPrefix+"table1")// serverIdPrefix nicely found what is
> > > attached by server to id of table
> > >     .tablesorter({widthFixed: true, widgets: ['zebra']})
> > >     .tablesorterPager({container: $("#pager")})
> >
> > > it doesnt work when ever table is runat="server"
> >
> > > can some one help?
> >
> > > Thanks
> > > Varun

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