Maginot Junior wrote:
HI, I have a simples question, hope to get some answer...

Im having difficulty to pass vars to functions like: [ ... ]

            $("#artigos_listagem li").mouseout(function(e){
                    background: orgBg

Like you can see, inside the second function Im trying to use the orgBg vars, and I would like to pass like .mouseout(function(e, otherVar){

You won't be able to do it that simply, as the mouseout won't call it with your custom parameters. But you can add a closure. [1]

This is completely untested, but I think something like this would work:

    $("#artigos_listagem li").mouseout((function(bkground) {
        return function(e){
            $(this).css({background: bkground});

This syntax creates and immediately executes an anonymous function that
returns a function in a closure that includes your val as param.

    (function(param) {return function() {...})(val)

There is no real reason except for explanations like the above to use the dummy variable bkground, so this is probably better once you understand what's happening above:

    $("#artigos_listagem li").mouseout((function(orgBg) {
        return function(e){
            $(this).css({background: orgBg});


  -- Scott

[1] The first few references on Google are all pretty good:

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