untested, but the point is you can pass an object as the second
parameter of the .bind() function.  Doesn't work with the shortcuts as
far as I know.  Then, you can access those object in the event.data
property of the event passed into the function.

$("#artigos_listagem li").mouseover(function(e){
                var orgBg = $(this).css('background');
                    background: "#ffffaa"
            $("#artigos_listagem li").bind('mouseout', { 'orgBg' :
orgBg}, function(e){
                    background: e.data.orgBg

I'm also not quite sure what you are attempting... it looks like those
li are getting a mouseover/mouseout  function that sets the background
to one color when rolling over and to another when rolling off.  If
that is the case:

$("#artigos_listagem li").toggle(function() {
function() {

If the colors aren't known beforehand, since you are setting it
dynamically on li's with different background colors then you could
save the current background color as a custom attribute using .attr()
or as data on the object using .data()


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