Hello - I'm sorry if this posts twice....its been about 30 minutes or
so since I last attempted and I still haven't seen my discussion pop

I would guess this is a fairly easy task and I'm just missing the
boat, because you see loading images everywhere with ajax loading.

Here is my situation. I have a webpage that is set up a lot like a
basic slide show - forward and back controls at the bottom a header at
the top and an ajax loading window in the middle. I am using this
function to make the ajax call:

$.get('/sourcefiles/example.html', function(innerHtml){

So right now I'm just getting the html and popping it into my
ajax_content div. I would like to make it so that it waits until the
entire content of the html (images and all) loads before displaying
anything. Currently it seems to wait for the just the html (text) to
load and then continues to load the images on screen.

I would like to just make a class called ".loading" or something, put
a loading background image on it and strip that off once everything is

Hopefully I have been clear enough. Let me know if anything needs more
explaining and thanks in advance for any help!

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