Hi all,

I want to make a selection in a list created by a php-file that is
called from another php-file using jQuery and ajax but I can not get
any events to the newly created html elements.

My example is very limited but shows the main problem.

The first php-file has abutton defined like this:
  <input class="mini_browse" name="mini_browse_btn"
id="mini_browse_btn" type="button" value="Browse test" />

I also have a div to show the result:
  <div id="myresult">Show the result here</div>

The jQuery entry looks like this:
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
        $('.mini_browse').bind("click", function() {
                        type: "get", url: "test-ajax.php", data: { action: 
'test' },
                        error: function() {$("#myresult").html("Ajax error");},
                        success: function(html){ //so, if data is retrieved, 
store it in
                }); //close jQuery.ajax
                return false;

When I click the button I get a call to test-ajax.php as expected and
the output is displayed in the myresult div.

The test-ajax.php executes this:
  echo '<input class="test_select" type="button" name="test_select_1"
id="test_select_1" value="Select" />';

Firebug console reports this response:
  <input class="test_select" type="button" name="test_select_1"
id="test_select_1" value="Select" />

The updated div shows this result (according to Firebug):
  <div id="myresult">
    <input id="test_select_1" class="test_select" type="button"
value="Select" name="test_select_1"/>

I can not get any events from the newly created button and when I
  var x=document.getElementsByName("test_select_1");
x.length returns zero so the element seems not to exist.

Do I have to do anything to get the newly created element into the
documents DOM or what can I do to make this work?


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