Upgraded to 1.3 on my site today and found that previously working
code is broken.  The issue is that I was using a selector of $
('.aComment') to get, not surprisingly, elements with a class of
'aComment' .  This worked great with 1.2.6.  However, with some
tinkering, I have found that I can user $('acomment') to select these
nodes with 1.3 .

Question is, is the expected behavior or a bug?  I'm pretty new to a
lot of this stuff so I acknowledge my ignorance in advance.  However,
I thought it a weird change in behavior.

Can someone give me some feedback?  If this is a bug, I'll do my best
to submit it (and maybe even try a fix).  If it isn't, can someone
explain to me why the different behavior between 1.2.6 and 1.3?



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